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Phishing has become more untraceable with this novel technique

A new UI redressing technique, know as Browser In The Browser (BITB), has given phishing a shot in the arm by making such attacks nearly untraceable in their design. This method is used to steal login credentials by juxtaposing a realistic replica of a third-party SSO login window that is usually redirected by a website’s login page (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc.). For instance, if a…
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Recent AD News

Cybercriminals use Russia-Ukraine war to execute cryptocurrency scams

Cryptocurrency funding has become a viable way to support Ukraine in its ongoing war against Russia, which has left the country devastated on all fronts. According to UK based blockchain analysis provider Elliptic, the Ukrainian government, along with an NGO that provides military support, have raised a sum of $63.8 million through over 120,000 crypto asset donations since the beginning of the…
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Recent AD News

Microsoft-themed content used as bait for half of credential-swiping phishing attacks

In 2020, half of all phishing emails used Microsoft Office-themed content to lure in unsuspecting victims and swipe their credentials, according to a Tuesday report by Cofense. The company analyzed millions of attack-related emails and concluded that 57% of the mails were phishing emails with the intent to steal credentials, while the rest were used for planting malware in the user’s systems or…
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