Free AD Tools

Last Logon Reporting Software

Last Logon Reporting Software Download Last Logon Reporting Software Please enter work email address Please enter phone number   By clicking 'Download' you agree to processing of personal data according to the Privacy Policy. …
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Free AD Tools

Active Directory CSV generator tool

Active Directory CSV generator tool The CSV Generator Tool assists in creating a CSV file that includes a personalized array of user-specified attributes and their corresponding values from the Active Directory. This file is prepared for efficient bulk management of the Active Directory. This tool is available free of charge and…
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Free AD Tools

 Active Directory Query Tool  

Active Directory Query Tool The AD Query Tool, provided by ManageEngine ADManager Plus, is a convenient utility that allows users to easily query the Microsoft Active Directory through a user-friendly interface. By entering LDAP queries into this tool, users can retrieve specific data for Active Directory objects. The AD Query Tool is…
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