Free AD Tools

Last Logon Reporting Software

Last Logon Reporting Software Download Last Logon Reporting Software Please enter work email address Please enter phone number   By clicking 'Download' you agree to processing of personal data according to the Privacy Policy. …
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Free AD Tools

Active Directory CSV generator tool

Active Directory CSV generator tool The CSV Generator Tool assists in creating a CSV file that includes a personalized array of user-specified attributes and their corresponding values from the Active Directory. This file is prepared for efficient bulk management of the Active Directory. This tool is available free of charge and…
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Free AD Tools

 Active Directory Query Tool  

Active Directory Query Tool The AD Query Tool, provided by ManageEngine ADManager Plus, is a convenient utility that allows users to easily query the Microsoft Active Directory through a user-friendly interface. By entering LDAP queries into this tool, users can retrieve specific data for Active Directory objects. The AD Query Tool is…
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5 ways to mitigate the rising threat of identity sprawl

5 ways to mitigate the rising threat of identity sprawl Two of the most damaging cyberattacks in 2021 were the cyberattacks on SolarWinds and Colonial Pipeline. What did these two attacks have in common? Both were identity-based cyberattacks. In fact, 61% of all cyberattacks in 2021 were identity-based cyberattacks. Given this sudden…
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2023 AD disaster recovery plan: Questions to ponder

2023 AD disaster recovery plan: Questions to ponder With the help of a DR plan, an organization can zero in on what's most important, rank its risks and assets, create a plan for keeping its data safe, and figure out how to resume normal operations as soon as possible. To help admins, we've prepared a guide that helps them to automate…
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An IT admin’s guide to automated user provisioning

An IT admin’s guide to automated user provisioning Manual user provisioning is not only costly and time-consuming, but can also result in security and compliance risks. If your current process involves manually gathering employee data from multiple sources and provisioning users in AD and cloud platforms, requires manually verifying…
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Active Directory Fundamentals

How to seize FSMO roles

It is a reasonably simple operation to move one or more FSMO roles from one Domain Controller to another. However, given that all DCs are functioning properly and are online. Learn more about FSMO roles here. What occurs if a DC that is currently performing an FSMO role crashes or shuts down for an extended period of time? Due to the server being offline, FSMO role transfer cannot be…
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