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How to block automatic connection to Wi-Fi Hotspots using GPO

For organizations managing a fleet of Windows devices, ensuring secure and controlled network access is paramount. One aspect of this is preventing devices from automatically connecting to potentially unsecured Wi-Fi hotspots. This article provides a detailed guide for system administrators on how to use Group Policy to block devices from automatically connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots, enhancing network security and mitigating risks associated with uncontrolled network access.

Understanding the Risks of Automatic Wi-Fi Connections

Automatically connecting to Wi-Fi hotspots can expose devices and the network to various security risks, including unsecured or malicious networks, man-in-the-middle attacks, and unauthorized data access. Controlling this behavior through Group Policy helps maintain a secure and compliant IT environment.


Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Accessing Group Policy Management Console

Open GPMC by searching for “Group Policy Management” in the Start menu or by running gpmc.msc in the Run dialog.

Step 2: Creating or Editing a Group Policy Object
Step 3: Navigate to Wireless Network Policies

In the Group Policy Management Editor, go to: Computer ConfigurationPoliciesWindows SettingsSecurity SettingsWireless Network (IEEE 802.11) Policies.

Step 4: Creating a New Wireless Network Policy
Step 5: Configuring Network Permissions
Step 6: Disabling Automatic Connection
Step 7: Applying and Enforcing the Policy

Advanced Configuration and Use Cases

  1. Targeted Policy Application: Apply the policy to specific OUs or groups that have higher security requirements, such as executive teams or IT staff.
  2. Use Case – Remote Workers: Ensure remote workers connect only to secure and known networks by preventing automatic connections to open hotspots.
  3. Use Case – Compliance: In industries with strict data protection regulations, controlling network access is often a compliance requirement.

Security Considerations



Implementing a policy to block automatic connections to Wi-Fi hotspots using Group Policy is a critical step in securing an organization’s network infrastructure. This approach helps mitigate the risks associated with uncontrolled network access, ensuring that devices connect only to authorized and secure networks. By following the steps outlined in this guide, system administrators can effectively manage wireless network settings, enhancing the overall security posture of the organization.

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